Setup PHP Extensions on Windows

Setup PHP on Windows

Configuring PHP Extensions on Windows

PHP, a popular server-side scripting language, empowers developers to build dynamic web applications. To expand its capabilities, PHP supports extensions that provide additional features. Configuring these extensions on a Windows environment might seem daunting, but with this guide, it’s a simple process. We’ll walk you through the steps!


  • PHP Installed: Download the latest version from the official website ( and follow the installation instructions, ensuring PHP is added to your system’s PATH.
  • Development Tools: Install a C compiler like Microsoft Visual Studio or MinGW to compile extensions (if needed).
  • php.ini Configuration: Locate your PHP installation directory and find the php.ini file. Open it with a text editor.

Configuration Steps

  1. Identify Extension Needs: Determine which extensions your project requires. Popular ones include mysqli, pdo_mysql, gd, and curl.
  2. Download Extension DLLs: Visit the PHP PECL (PHP Extension Community Library) website ( to download the DLL files for your chosen extensions. Ensure they match your PHP version.
  3. Place DLLs in Extensions Directory: Create a new folder named ext within your PHP installation directory. Move the downloaded DLL files into this folder.
  4. Edit php.ini: Open php.ini in a text editor. Add the following lines to enable extensions:
    extension_dir = "ext"

    For each extension, add a line like this:


    Replace php_extension.dll with the actual name of the extension DLL file.

  5. Restart Web Server: Restart your web server (e.g., Apache or Nginx) for the changes to take effect.
  6. Verify Configuration: Create a PHP file with the following content to verify that the extensions are configured correctly:

    Open this file in your web browser and search for the extensions you’ve configured. If they appear, the configuration was successful.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Check the PHP error log for any issues.
  • Ensure that the extension DLLs match your PHP version.
  • Verify that the extension files are placed in the correct ext directory.


Configuring PHP extensions on Windows can be straightforward by following these steps. Remember to maintain compatibility between PHP and extensions for a seamless development experience. Happy coding!

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